Nick Seaver
Nick is the Co-Director of the CURE MED13L Initiative, which is dedicated to research and development towards medicines for MED13L carriers. He is the father of twin girls, one of whom has MED13L. His daughter was diagnosed in 2016, based on a genetic test performed in 2011. He brings to the Foundation his background in organization-building, finance and biotech. Nick is a founding member and Managing Director at Ziff Capital Partners, where he oversees direct private investments, with a focus on biotech. He is also Chief Business Officer, Chief Financial Officer and Board Director at Corner Therapeutics, a portfolio company.
Previously, Nick was the CEO of Thanyapura, a diversified holding company based in Asia. His background includes private equity investing at JP Morgan Partners and mergers and acquisitions at Lazard Frères. Many years ago, Nick and his wife participated in a full-time silent retreat as part of The Shamatha Project, the first major scientific study on meditation, which he has described in his TEDx talk. He grew up in New York, has lived in Europe and Asia, and currently resides in Connecticut with his wife, two children and two dogs. Nick is a graduate of Harvard College.