Profile Type:
- Family
Age Group:
- 5-10
Profile Created: April 27, 2024
Our Story
We noticed developmental delays with Maiya when she couldn’t sit up on her own past the 6 months mark. We started Physical Therapy services around 9 months and Occupational Therapy around 11 months. Around that time we were referred to the Children’s Hospital developmental specialty clinic in Omaha, Nebraska. From there we saw specialist after specialist for various delays and things to check on. She started walking around 22-23 months old. At almost 23 months old, she had cord un-tethering surgery. Just weeks later she was walking with much more balance! Once she turned 2 we started Speech Therapy as she only had a couple “words”.
Maiya was diagnosed with MED13L in September of 2019 and since we have added more private therapies and can streamline what specialists still need to be on her care team!
Things to know about Maiya… she LOVES her big sister (Aubree-4) and in turn Aubree is her biggest supporter and motivator! Maiya is and always has been the happiest little peanut there is. No one is a stranger and her little giggle and smile will light up any room! She loves any form of music and is so proud of her own accomplishments!