Paris has a smile that can melt your heart even on your worst day!
Profile Type:
- Family
Age Group:
- 5-10
Profile Created: April 28, 2024
Our Story
I’ve always imagine a normal life for any child. At 2 weeks old Paris was diagnosed with meningitis. After a month long stay in the hospital she was sent home. Around 4 months I started to notice her eye crossing. Took her to the eye doctor they said everything’s was normal. Paris then began to have trouble drinking. She has had a upper lip tie and tongue tie procedure done. Around 10 months I notice Paris delaying in crawling. She has been to several therapists. Paris is one and cannot stand on her own without support. She also had a very large tongue which is abnormal for her age. She had started physical and speech therapy. Paris was diagnosed with Leukodystrophy. The cause of Leukodystrophy is Med 13 L. My angel has had over 100 tests done, seen over 50 doctors, been stuck with a needle over 200 times.
Through it all I have always gotten this beautiful smile, this amazing laughter. She’s is most definitely my miracle baby